Production Statement 

Through project 2, I want to express the temptations and taboos around women in a continuation of illustrations and through animation. As a designer I aim to design my final design in a noir and an individual style evoking the audiences experience in a provocative way. I want to attract the audience to perceive each illustration as a standard or bad intention.

My fundamental intention is to capture women through temptations and taboos, these certain things can consider a woman to be bad person or a devil metaphorically. Their identity is defined through the temptations and taboos not for their persona. In consideration on their taboos and temptations, 'having a good heart and love defines a good person'. 
My final design is formed and aimed around my character that I have created. I aim to visually produce each taboo and temptation through her, structuring my work in being consistent. My intention is to capture and emphasise temptations and taboo restricted throughout women in general, through movement, pattern and aesthetic. 
My final design production has resulted in taping my collection of illustrations representing each taboo and temptation. I have chosen them to be smoking, stripping/modelling, tattoos and body modification these taboos are the majority focal. The masking tape enhances my theme stronger by portraying women as worthless and valueless by being involved with any of the temptations and taboos. My brief animation exhibits 3 of the taboos in motion, stripping, smoking and modelling, to visually depict the depth of the taboos will subtle ambient sounds. The materials I’ll be exploring throughout my final design are a continuation and collection of digital and pen/pencil illustrations. The program photoshop will be providing my illustrations digitally and my brief animation, and range of paper stock for my hand drawn illustrations. These provocative illustrations includes art styles, ink, pen, pencil and digital. The work is layered with some undeveloped drawings. Whilst developing these illustrations I have come across personal experiences based on my initial theme intention, which presents my design predominantly. Inspired by my 3rd materialisation illustrated noir and line art, the illustrations itself with be stylised in black and white and scaled between sizes A5-A3. My brief animation is also supported by iMovie to export ambient sounds and structure. 

I capture presenting my final design production in a placement of unifying and layering taboos and temptations in a mood board like form surrounding a screen centred in the centre playing my brief animation in an endless loop. 


Kensuke Ushio 2018, 'Strategist', Devilman Crybaby Original Soundtrack, song, Aniplex, Japan.

All Sounds 2018, Camera Flash Sound Effects All Sounds, sound effects, Youtube, viewed 9 December 2019, <>.

All Sounds 2018, Smoking Sound Effects All Sounds, sound effects, Youtube, viewed 11  9 December 2019, <>.

Ambience Magic 2018, Spider-Man - City Night Ambiance (cars, city sounds, sirens, wind), video recording, Youtube, viewed 11 December, <>.

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